Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I'm going to start my machine quilting today. There I said it. Now I have to do it. I'm nervous, but I think it will subside once I get started. I hope...

Here is the quote from the tutorial that makes me nervous:

"The first quilt that I stitched like this is TERRIBLE. Really, it is."

I don't want my quilt to be terrible. Then again, if I never try, I'll never get any better. And in fairness, the next sentence on the tutorial says this:

"But we use it all the time and I love it. I just don't look too closely at it."

So I guess it can only be so bad. We'll see.

Pics to come. Maybe.


  1. I bet it's going to be fabulous :) Good luck - and post pictures!

  2. Don't be nervous! It will be great, just take your time.

    I decided against a new machine, so I ordered a free motion foot from my local machine repair shop and I'm waiting for it to come in.

    As for your Starling... I found my inspiration for my bird and tree from the Starling Pool on Flickr. (Where I saw your lovely sunflower Starling, incidentally!)

    How about beads, or ribbon, or simple embroidery?
