Sunday, December 19, 2010

Quick Update

I don't have much time to type but I want to pop in and say "Hi! I'm still here!" and give you some promised Ruffin pics. I also have a couple of completed presents to share with you! First of all, these pouches (which have been delivered - stuffed with goodies, mostly chocolate!) were so easy and turned out perfectly that now I want to make myself an army of them. Right now. *ahem* What I mean to say is I really want to finish Christmas presents first...

I used a modified version of this tutorial. I wish I could get that adorable elephant fabric that she used, but alas, it was not to be. I will fill you in on my mods later when I make my army of them.

Also, I figured it was safe to post the present for my 2-year old niece because I'm pretty sure she doesn't read my blog. Thanks for this idea, Carmen!

Lastly I would like to shower you with a little Ruffin love. He is sporting some of the amazing things Carmen sent me! She told me she made "a little something" for Ruffin, but I was blown away with the awesomeness of what we received! Check out her post about it!

This is the sweetest little monkey lovey/blankie. It is so soft! Ruffin has a similar monkey lovey that has a rattle in his head, which he adores. This one does not have a rattle, so we have named it "Night-night Monkey" and its perfect for sleep snuggles. It keeps him happy until I get to him when he wakes up at night, which is great!

This is a fleece blanket with a crocheted edge and a cutie cute crocheted monkey in the corner. If you can't tell by now, we love monkeys. Love. Them. Ruffin has been snuggling with this one in the car.

Carmen also send a gorgeous changing pad (which I will not be showing in action), a monkey ornament for our Christmas tree, the sweetest card (which she made, of course!) and a quilted zipper pouch and headband for me! How awesome is she?!!? (You will have to check out her pics of those things for now, since its been yucky cloudy here and mine turned out poorly.) Thanks so much, Carmen!!


  1. Is he flirting with me? I think he's flirting with me.

    Seriously cute, Carmen is so talented! (And thoughtful :)

  2. I'm so glad you liked everything and find it useful! It was all a labor of baby love, trust me. :) Ruffin is so adorable!

    P.S. Your Knuffle Bunny turned out beautifully!

  3. Merry Christmas Nancy! That first Christmas with a new addition is so special. Enjoy!! xoxo Mia

  4. Those pouches are so fun to make! I made a couple a while back, and I love how easy and cute they are!
